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Marketing Cloud

Established an Intelligent Enterprise Service Ecosystem

Micro Station

Marketing Assistant

Micro Form

Micro Station enables enterprises and brands to quickly and easily establish their own official WeChat Mini Program-based website. These WeChat Mini Programs are also compatible with H5 code which enables redirection to WeChat Official Accounts and traditional websites, allowing enterprises to reach potential customers through multiple channels. In addition, Micro Station’s data analytics and plug-in functionalities provide enterprises with stronger brand marketing capability.








Marketing Assistant is a marketing solution that helps merchants manage and optimize online marketing activities. It provides a series of tools to track and manage advertisement preparation, budget allocation and media selection before distribution; real-time monitoring and optimization suggestions during the distribution; and data integration, performance analysis and customer follow-up after the distribution.








As a general solution providing merchants with various information collection capabilities, Wei Form is able to help merchants to conduct market research, customer feedback collection, and customer data accumulation in real-time.

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