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Alllink FinTech

Your market linker - enabling you and your Chinese online customers to frictionlessly and seamlessly transact with each other.

We are now having 1,600 channel partners, 2.8 million registered merchants, and 1 billion active users. Our scale is still expanding!

Our Services

Our Services
Commerce Cloud
  • Micro Mall

  • Smart Retail

  • Customer to Shop

  • Smart Restaurant

  • Smart Delivery

  • Smart Hotel

  • Smart Beauty

  • Smart Meeting

  • Smart Traveling

  • Sales Pusher

Marketing Cloud
  • Mini Program-based Website

  • Compatible with H5 Code

  • Marketing Assistant

  • Market Research

  • Feedback Collection

  • Customer Data

  • Accumulation in Real-Time

Targeted Marketing
  • WeChat Official Account

  • WeChat Moments

  • QQ and QZone

  • Tencent News

  • Tencent Video

  • Baidu Advertisements

  • Zhihu Advertisements

E-Commerce Solutions
Integrated Solutions for O2O Scenarios
Multi-Store Unified Operation Solutions
Corporate Philosophy

Integrity, cooperation, innovation, customer first, embracing change.


Ready to find out more?

If you are an individual, corporation, government, media, and other organizations, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Now support augmented reality (AR) effects - which overlay virtual imagery onto the physical world.

Contact Us

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